Hello, how do you move today? Do you hop, do you skip, do you keep straight ahead? Are you flying, are you prying, what echoes are in the air? When you munch, does it crunch?

This is my curiosity. I have developed a verbal and visual language to describe movement. These include graphic scores and stop-motion animation with the body (pixilation). The moving image is a tool for recording as well as studying movement. In editing footage, I witness the threshold between spectator and actor.

My research has culminated in a web-site, a living archive of movement. It is multisensory: the way that we move is via our senses. They tell us about where we are in space, and what is going on in the spaces of our bodies. The content on-site prompts visitors to move. As a living archive, it is an active and reflective space. I invite people to share their explorations through filmed and written responses. This community will grow the site.
The design is informed by the scroll. A paper scroll rolls. It furls, and unfurls, it crumples, it folds. It continues, it connects, it contains. I interpret this with the digital scrolling action. 

You are welcome to move at movingspace.cargo.site
Daisy Lewisohn
Graphic Design


The Glasgow School of Art